Pro Bono Support
Which came first?
We see many great organisations stalled in a 'chicken-and-egg' cycle, frustrated by their inabilty to help their stakeholders due to insufficient funding.
In many cases this cycle can only be broken when sufficient support is provided to help them produce robust and compelling tender proposals which evidence the necessary competence to secure the support of both government and philanthropic partners.
Yet the funds to aquire that support cannot be aquired without sufficient funding…
Breaking the cycle
We feel the frustration of For-Purpose organisations who, all too often, are surrounded by a range of State and Federal funding opportunities, each focussed on differing outcomes, each with their own suitability criteria. We also see how hard it is for these organisations to deliver the levels of research, program design, evaluation modelling and bid creation necessary to produce winning bids.
Take your organisation to the next level
We have dedicated a fixed amount of hours to offer pro-bono to support selected organisations to help them gain the insight and skills they require to break the cycle.
Our free support has resulted in tangible gains for our pro-bono clients. Over the past 12 months we have helped our clients secure funding for strategic planning, IT support and equipment, new programs and services, apps, re-branding and websites.
Giles examined the aspirations and goals of the group and developed a visionary model that defines Aboriginal land based business enterprise development within a framework of culturally appropriate decision making and behaviours.
Great work! – you have a very clear picture of what the NLE can be.
Here is just a selection of some of the pro-bono projects we have worked on in 2020.
Will your big-win feature here this time next year?
Our support in 2019 - 2020 helped Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation secure Lotterywest funding for, amongst other things, a new website, strategic marketing support and a branded Ranger vehicle.
We provided Youth Legal Services with the design, images, content and artwork support that they required to ensure that their achievements and voice cut through in their sector (Click the image to download a copy)
How to apply for Pro Bono support
As we are sure everyone will appreciate the time avaailable to us to offer this work is limited - like most people we have families to support and must remember that though we are a socially focussed organisation we are still have overheads.
Decisions made on who we support are not made on a 'first come, first servewd' basis rather on the mertits of each opportunity and the value we judge we can deliver.
If you would like to talk to us about our Pro Bono support please use the form below to get in touch - We'd love to hear from you :)
Please read our Speculative Work Terms & Conditions here to ensure that you are happy with these before contacting us.
Pro Bono
Every month we allocate a fixed amount of Pro Bono time to help organisations.