Thank you for all the work you have done for us in this matter. We greatly appreciate it.
People spend so much time on their computers that I wanted something that would keep OSH fresh. I wanted something that would make people say, "Oh yeah - I get it" rather than just give another standard "in your face message". The screensavers were just subtle yet effective - perfect for what I wanted.
I'm trying to raise the profile of the area within the prison and staff were exasperated that no one cared, the reps were frustrated that the tasks they being given weren't OSH related so things weren't changing. Now things are changing. People are standing up and thinking first. We have put OSH at the forefront of people's minds and are keeping the momentum going.
The screen savers keep it fresh and keep it real. They were exactly what I wanted and it was a very smooth process. GDA understood exactly what we wanted - they are just perfect."
Push Consulting have enormous experience in developing bid strategies. Shawn's knowledge of the sector, the bid requirements and the ability to bring together a range of partners to develop a credible model was invaluable. Their understanding of collaborative working and how best this can be achieved to deliver tenant outcomes was key to developing the detail of the EOI. The resulting model was a key factor in the success of the bid.
Push Consulting bring unique insights and expertise to the social services sector. Their experience in working on both sides of the fence (government and community sectors) has proven tremendously helpful to strategy planning, forming partnerships and developing compelling business cases for our services.
…the app has gone from being seen as an electronic paperwork shortcut to being a powerful resource for released offenders. This gives it greater longevity and enabled it to engage with offenders at a far deeper level creating a win-win situation for all concerned.
Push Consult provide tremendous support to any community service organisation. They have helped Down Syndrome WA develop our strategic plan and obtain new funding through competitive tender processes. We are also working with them to create web-apps. They really do understand how to develop innovative service ideas and communicate them effectively to our diverse stakeholder group.
Giles, importantly identified the importance of this project, aligning with Noongar Land Enterprise Group’s core values, that cultural knowledge and Intellectual Property are critical considerations in the Bush Food Industry. The proposal was important to secure Federal Government funding through FIAL and Giles described the project potential of developing an Indigenous led, Australia Bush Food Industry which can;
1. Identify, implement and model the appropriate cultural and ethical protocols necessary for Aboriginal Law and Australian Law to co-exist reciprocally to mutual benefit
2. Support Aboriginal communities to achieve the economic, health and environmental benefits of a sustainable bush foods enterprises
Just want to offer my compliments on these fantastic shots, they are really beautiful and capture both the indoor and outdoor action beautifully. We’re so grateful for your offer to share them with us with appropriate acknowledgement.
Not only does your well-communicated assessment provide clarity to the group, I think it’s really useful feedback for the collective to understand what the road ahead looks like and how their investment into the NLE will return a dividend.
Though the outcome of the auction is not yet clear in terms of appointment of preferred bidder. I think it would be accurate to say, two bidders remain in contention at this point and we are one of those. In terms of quality, we achieved the highest qualitative score (potentially by some distance) which we were delighted about.
What I gathered that is we have our own perception of what our product is to us but what Push helped us with is to better understand what our product means to other people.
I think we found what we’re looking for, now we can actually put that down and bring it to market with a clear message.
Push Consulting added a level of sophistication to the EOI documentation that we couldn’t deliver internally. Complex detail was translated into easily understandable and visual models, making it easy for the reader to understand key concepts and how they would work.
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