Lyne Acacio
Lyne Acacio is a highly skilled practitioner with over 40 years of extensive experience in policy development, research, social analysis, service design, program logic, evaluation and outcome frameworks.
Following 8 years working in NEDA, the Philippines' social and economic development planning and policy co-ordinating body Lyne worked in the Western Australian Department of Indigenous Affairs for 19 years.
During her career she has assisted high level executives in government and non-government sectors and overseen strategic management, program development and review, business plan development, Indigenous Affairs and public policy.
If enough care and forethought is taken during the design of both social policy and the programs and services employed to deliver it, real change can be achieved and, more importantly, measured.
It is the process of design, measurement and eveluation which facinates me. When executed correctly, cycles of continuous and evaluation and improvement create a tremendous positive impact on the lives of everyone around us.
Lyne Acacio. Partner, Push Consulting.
Lyne has also represented Western Australia as State representative to various committees of COAG, the Ministerial Council for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and the Productivity Commission.
Her work in policy and evaluation have been successfully used in local, state and national policies, programs, and partnership agreements and her expertise has assisted countless organisations in the development of service and program performance frameworks which objectively evidence sustainable outcomes.
Pro Bono
Every month we allocate a fixed amount of Pro Bono time to help organisations.