Pathfinder Strategic Planning
Route planning for the For-Purpose sector
For the past 25 years we've been helping organisations define and refine their purpose and revitalise their effectiveness and outcomes. Our cross-disciplinary knowledge and experience provides the innovative and informed creative thinking to discover the transformational ideas to push your organisation forward.
But we're not draft and dash merchants leaving behind inspiration, aspiration but little with which to reach realisation.
The principles of Push Consult have direct experience of working on boards, in CEO chairs and even as the CEO of a peak body. We know what deliverable looks like. This is why we're always stretching and probing ideas and concepts first ensuring that we can help you build the capability and capacity to execute effectively.
But now we've taken it a little further.
Pathfinder: Insightful, innovative, effective.
Pathfinder is a Strategic Planning program designed to address both the issues raising from the current health crisis and the restrictions imposed by it.
The program is delivered using both face to face and remote working engagement over three steps:
Step 1
Discovery & Definition: environmental analysis and stakeholder analysis identifies and unpacks local and national environmental factors and identifies the current position and requirements of your stakeholders.
Step 2
Provision & gap analysis
unpacks current operational capability & capacity comparing this to both the current needs, competitive forces, and supply and demand factors within your market.
Step 3
Your strategic plan
From initial draft to board presentation this will be concise, informed, objective, measurable and fully achievable.
Let's get you to where you need to be.
The Pathfinder Strategic Planning program is available at two different levels of engagement & investment:
Tier 1
Designed to provide the required core discovery and insight to inform your Strategic Plan. This is designed to offer a high quality of insight and solution delivery to assist organisations with limited budgets to plan without fear of compromise.
Tier 2
Designed as a complementary option enabling a deeper dive into your issues, opportunities, potential stakeholders and solutions. This allows us to provide greater detail leading to a more informed and robust operational scaffold within the strategy; the operational tactics, programs and evaluation frameworks.
The Pathfinder Strategic Planning program incorporates all of our experience and the combined requirements of all of our past clients to deliver a solution that is:
Culturally secure
We pride ourselves on our proven ability to work with audiences from diverse backgrounds such as CALD, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, LGBTIQ+ and services users experiencing issues including AOD and both Juvenile and Adult Justice requirements.
Results focused
We adopt a value-based model which confirms then aligns your unique value proposition. This is then developed to market ready standard through ideation, objective setting via considered capability and capacity testing. Measurement and evaluation models are set through agreed social and financial metrics. The final step is outlining the media framework necessary to ensure that you impact and its outcomes are communicated to all relevant stakeholder groups to convey both benefit and return on investment.
Technologically powered
We have been exponents of remote working technologies such as today's Microsoft Office 365, Skype, FaceTime, WebEx, Zoom, online survey, project management and resource sharing platforms since our formation, as can be seen here. Not only are we well versed in deploying these to facilitate remote work successfully but also in embedding these solutions in operational methodologies to add value within organisations.
To enquire about using Pathfinder Strategic Planning support to help you take your organisation to the next level please contact us using the form below or call us on: +61 (0)8 6102 4920.
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Every month we allocate a fixed amount of Pro Bono time to help organisations.