Work smarter, not harder
We've always been quiet early adopters of technology ever since creating our first website in 1995, pre-Google, static HTML, CD Roms and Napster… [insert nostalgic pause here :) ]
• In 1993 we began experimenting with video editing on our Macintosh Quadra 880AV
• In 1994 we began creating 360° panoramic QuickTime Virtual reality walk-throughs
• In 1996 we moved into digital photography
• In 1998 we released our own multi-media CD's sharing best practice in the UK education sector complete with video, documentation and links to online content
Add value, not complexity
As a full service agency we have always advocated the use of technology, in a secure and appropriate manner to make effective communication, education, measurement and evaluation easier.
The user experience from companies such as Apple, Amazon and Netflix is now driving service user expectation from digital technology across all aspects of our lives, including the delivery of social care and wellbeing supports.
The online future of social care delivery
In our private sector work we are well versed in the commercial application of technology as early adopters of cloud storage, remote working, SEO, affiliate marketing and online data management. As many of these technologies have now tricked down into public usage the adoption curve allows many of the For Profit sector to benefit from technologies which, 5 years ago were implemented almost exclusively in the commercial domain.
Our solutions make remote working, evaluation and program management far, far easier, bringing a competitive and financial edge to bids, tenders and improved social care delivery in todays uncertain climate.
We have 25 years of experience in creating website and intranets to promote our clients and help them engage with their stakeholders.
Online applications
We have a host of data driven solutions to improve service delivery, enterprise, education and engagement for our clients.
IT solutions
We have worked with clients to implement networking solutions including Microsoft Office 365 setup and intranet creation to help power a variety of agile operational workspaces.
Progressive web applications to drive client engagement, education, program delivery, measurement and program evaluation.
A proven international track record
Tthe Gateways pilot project for the UK NHS was an online central service provider hub to co-ordinate over 40+ service provider organisations to deliver 'through-the-gate' rehabilitation services and was accessed (securely) both in and outside UK prisons. The hub allowed continuity of program care for prisoners pre and post release to aid in effective rehabilitation.
Premium features, budget access
One of the most exciting aspects of our work is our ability to offer cost-effective access to online directory and remote program access and management solutions. These offer the ability not only to advertise social health care programs but also to run them remotely and automate a vast amount of mentor based program engagement tasks.
Would you like a demo to see firsthand how can we help your organisation work smarter, not harder?
Call us now on +61 (0)8 6102 4920 or use the form below to book.
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Pro Bono
Every month we allocate a fixed amount of Pro Bono time to help organisations.